09 December 2013

Corruption — A Sin Issue

Transparency International has released its 2013 report on Corruption Perception Index. I think it's very important to note that this report doesn't attempt to measure actual corruption — merely the perception of corruption in the public sector (bribes, backroom deals). And, in this case, it may well be true that perception is reality. For more details, go to TI's site. For a quick look at a particular country, put your cursor over that country. Scores range from 8 to 91, with 8 being the countries (Somalia, North Korea, and Afghanistan) perceived as being the most corrupt. Rankings are 1-177, with those same 3 countries tied for worst with a ranking of 175.

Corruption is a sin issue that impacts the lives of individuals both directly and indirectly and impacts both those who live in poverty and those who live in comfort. Those who live in poverty are often denied basic life necessities (clean water, justice, health care, etc.) because they either cannot pay the bribes demanded to access those or corruption has diverted funds away from the provision of those basic resources either into the bank accounts of corrupt individuals or to projects that benefit those corrupt individuals in some way.

Those who live in comfort — that includes both middle–class and wealthy — are unwilling or unable to invest in development activities that would benefit both themselves and the country as a whole, including those who live in poverty, when individuals in power demand bribes.

Legislation is not the sole answer. The United States is a prime example of this. There is enough anti-corruption legislation in US law to choke a horse, yet the US is ranked only 19th out of 177 countries. Granted, that's better than 158 countries in the index; it's better than any country in Sub–Saharan Africa; it means that corruption is not perceived to be a major factor in the daily lives of individuals. But, it also says that there is perceived corruption in spite of the existence of stringent laws.

At its core, corruption is a sin issue. It stems from the desire of an individual for personal gain at the expense of others. It is an attitude of unconcern and even disdain for others. It will only be rooted out when the hearts of individuals are radically transformed by the indwelling Christ. (Colossians 3:1–3)

For the Kingdom,
Bob A

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