11 June 2010

Using the "New Roman Road" to Build Prayer Support

Earlier this week, I wrote a post on using technology to reach Africa, Technology: The New "Roman Road". That post dealt with the primary missionary task of sharing the gospel with non-disciples of Christ.

However, there is another use of the new Roman Road that, while perhaps more obvious, can be extremely useful. That is the use of technology to mobilize prayer support and develop partners in the developed world.

I've seen many examples of this but one of the most unique is a virtual prayer walk for the Maasai of Tanzania done by Dan on Google Maps: Maasai Virtual Prayer Walk. (I should acknowledge that unique might be an indicator of my own lack of exposure. This is the first time I've seen a virtual prayer walk done this way.)


  • I wonder if it would be possible to post video clips in the description of one of the markers instead of a still picture?
  • Hmmm, now that I'm thinking, I wonder how difficult it would be to do a Virtual Prayer Flight on Google Earth -- flying from one place to another, adding a video/audio clip to each marker?
Your Response:
  • How do you use technology to advocate for your people group and mobilize partners?
  • Feel free to include links in your comment.
For the Kingdom,
Bob A

1 comment:

  1. Our team has done two virtual prayer walks:


    What we did was to have a specific day of prayer for our area and then we sent out emails to our prayer partners letting them know all about it.

    Suzie Rodger, Zambia
    Prayer Coordinator, Eastern Harvest Team
