02 April 2010

Does God Have a Strategy?

... and should his followers have a strategy?

Rastis, who blogs at not all who wander are lost..., says, Yes, to both questions. This is an interesting read.

How would you briefly describe your strategy for the place where God has sent you? (Maybe you'd be willing to write a longer guest post outlining your strategy.)

I'm at the end of a long, but great, 2 weeks of travel to South Africa and Malawi. There are a bunch of excellent missionaries throughout southern Africa. It's a pleasure to work with them. They are faithful under difficult circumstances.

For the Kingdom,
Bob A

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but our plans must always be submitted to His. Generally speaking, as long as we operate according to his Word, we need not be concerned about errors. Our strategy is to involve local churches in the process of initiating sustainable church planting movements in the CSC. This involves promotion, training, and coaching.
